Friday, February 5, 2010

Proverbs 5:1-2 “The Call to Wisdom”

"My son, pay attention to my wisdom; lend your ear to my understanding, that you may preserve discretion, and your lips may keep knowledge."
These verses introduce the 8th of 10 appeals by the father to his son. (This appeal is in relation to sexuality purity.) The son is exhorted to learn from the father’s wisdom and understanding. Rather than learning through painful experience, the wise person will learn from those who are older and truly love them. The son is urged to pay close attention because what the father is about to tell him is important and will help him resist temptations common to youth. Because the father loves his son and knows what is about to be said will help him, he gives a second call for the son to pay attention and not turn a deaf ear to what follows.
Of course, the purpose of the appeal is for the son’s benefit. By listening and heeding the following warnings, the son will be able to both act wisely (“preserve discretion”) and speak wisely (“your lips may keep knowledge”).
It is common in our culture to have low expectations for young people. However, Solomon clearly expects the hearers of these words to have discretion and knowledge. As a young person, you can reject the low expectations of society, learn from those who are wise (including the Bible), and avoid the pitfalls that your peers fall into. The first step is by listening and paying attention to your parents.
Finally, the penalty for not paying attention and not heeding the words of the father is given in the last two verses of this chapter.


Related Scriptures: Proverbs 16:23; 20:15; 22:17; Mark 4:23; James 1:19


“I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”  - Abraham Lincoln

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