Saturday, February 20, 2010

Proverbs 2:1-4 “The Admonition to Receive Wisdom”

(1) My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you,
(2) So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;
(3) Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding,
(4) If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures…

In these four verses, comprising the second of the 10 appeals from the father, the wise father presents the progression of gaining wisdom. In the rest of the chapter, he notes 5 benefits of gaining wisdom. Here is the progression of gaining wisdom presented in verses 1-4
1.   Reception of Wisdom
2.   Meditation on Wisdom
3.   Request for more Wisdom
4.   Pursuit of Wisdom

In verse 1, the son is exhorted to receive the lessons from his father and treasure them. Wisdom is hidden in the soul and valued it greatly because it may not be immediately used. However, by treasuring it, by hiding it one’s heart, it will be ready when the time comes that it is needed. Think of it as storing up for a rainy day. Indeed, these are the proper riches to store up.
This will have its effects in the wise son who treasures these words. Once they are in his heart, they will affect his attitudes, which will affect his decisions, which will affect his future actions.
Verse 2 presents the next step after receiving the words of wisdom: meditating on them. Inclining the ear means to pay close attention. “Apply your heart to understanding” means ‘to turn’ to understanding. The son is to listen carefully and to apply, i.e. to turn, his heart toward the teaching in order to fully understand. This is meditation. This patient ruminating on lessons the father has taught ingrains wisdom and leads to success. The ear hears & the mind (heart) applies.
In verse 2, the ear and mind were involved. Now the mouth is involved in crying out and lifting up for wisdom. It is appropriate both to ask those who are older and wiser to help you understand and also to pray to God for understanding of what you are meditating on. This verse is actually more intense than asking, you are to “cry out” for discernment.” If it does not come immediately, do not quit. This verse tells you to intensify your request by lifting up your voice. Wisdom is not easily acquired. Effort and patience are required, which brings us to verse 4.
The father now gives the last step in the progression of gaining wisdom – pursuing wisdom. There are two concepts shown here. First of all is the value of that which is being sought. Wisdom has intrinsic value like silver. The second concept in this simile is the diligence in the search. Wisdom is like ‘hidden’ treasure. It is not available unless you search for it. You must expend the effort to reap the reward.
I have one last thought regarding this progression of wisdom. Gaining wisdom also develops good character. For example, verse 1 requires attentiveness to what is being taught. Verse 2 requires diligence to meditate on the words of the father in order to gain understanding. Verse 3 requires persistence not to give up if understanding doesn’t come right away. Finally, verse 4 demands patience to keep seeking and searching. Of course, there are many other character traits that can be applied. The point is that as you acquire wisdom, you will also be developing good character.


Related Scriptures: Psalm 119:9-11; Matthew 6:19-21; 13:9; James 1:5


“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” – Francis Bacon

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